
Blogger Spotlight: Novel approaches to teaching the Common Core

September 6th, 2013

Every Friday, we compile our favorite education blog posts from the week. 

The importance of integration: Read Glenn Wiebe’s post about incorporating reading and writing in social studies classes.

History without a textbook: Learn about Molly Smith’s approach to using online resources, instead of a textbook, in her history courses.

What kind of homework is most effective? Annie Murphy Paul writes about the science behind assigning homework, including techniques for history classes.

Theming and the Common Core: Tim Shanahan explains the potential to organize units around themes to align to the new standards.

Educational disparities: Daniel Willingham reviews Amanda Ripley’s new book, The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way.

What did you do on your summer vacation? This post by Lee Ann Potter of the Library of Congress explores using primary sources on back-to-school activities.

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