
Author: Gordon Weaver

Gordon Weaver (1937–) is an American novelist and short story writer. A graduate of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Weaver has taught at his alma mater, Vermont College of Fine Arts, and Oklahoma State. He received his M.A. from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Weaver is the founding editor of the Mississippi Review. He has published four novels, ten story collections, a collection of poetry, and over a hundred stories in various publications. His work has garnered him a first-place O. Henry Award, two National Endowment for the Arts fellowships, and two Pushcart Awards. Weaver’s novels include The Eight Corners of the World (1988) and Count a Lonely Cadence (1968).

Haskell Hooked on the Northern Cheyenne

Gordon Weaver
How many of us take seriously the unsolicited pleas for support that arrive with the daily mail? It is just such an unpromising beginning that eventually gets Haskell hooked on the Northern Cheyenne, transforming his humdrum life into a mission.